Humans and Nature are interrelated and interdependent components of the planet which should coexist harmoniously.
Based on the impacts of human activities on the environment and the planet, we support the idea that "We need to rearticulate the matrix of Human Development."
We believe in Stakeholder Capitalism,
While granular objectives of Profit and prosperity is important in business and states, interconnectivity and the overarching well-being of People and the Planet are central to ensuring more harmonious outcome over time.
Education is the answer
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  • We believe that Education has played the role of driving agent in our Evolution as a society. Education is transformative. Right information and education can change our values and behaviours, encouraging us to adopt more sustainable lifestyle.
  • Science, Technology and Education are the foundation of human development.
  • Education is the basic pathway to large scale and rapid dessemination of science and technology
वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्
"The World Is One Family"
We are not just limited to the individuals in our organization. Every individual, organization, or institution working for the well-being of the Planet and People are part of our community.
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